Ignite Your Amazon Rankings: 6 Sets of Questions for High-Performance Keyword Research

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Amazon keyword research plays a pivotal role in the success of your product listings on the platform. By strategically identifying and incorporating relevant keywords, you can significantly enhance the visibility of your products, attract more potential customers, and ultimately increase sales. Here's a comprehensive guide with questions you can ask yourself as you navigate through the process of conducting thorough Amazon keyword research:

Understand Your Product and Audience:

Start by understanding your product and its features, as well as your target audience. Identify key attributes, benefits, and use cases of your product.

Let’s use a Baby Toy Product as our sample product. Here are the possible questions you can ask:

  • Features: Is the toy safe for teething babies? Is it waterproof? Made of wood?
  • Product: Is the toy for babies only or also for toddlers? What is the size of the product?
  • Key Attributes: Is the baby toy giftable? Is it washable? Type of Plastic?
  • Benefits: Is the toy good for learning and cognition?
  • Use: Is the product for bathtime only?

With a thorough understanding of this aspect of your product, you may then proceed to identifying the next step - the Seed Keywords.

Brainstorm Seed Keywords with Amazon Autocomplete

Make a list of seed keywords related to your product. These are general terms that describe your product and are relevant to your target audience.

Seed Keywords are usually composed of 2 or 1 words and are usually connected with other additional descriptive words that can form long-tailed keywords.

Ask yourself these questions when identifying your Seed Keywords:

  • Is the product appropriate for this set of babies? (Example: Baby toys 1-3 months vs Baby toys 12 months+)
  • Is the product gender specific?
  • Is the toy made for certain educational models? Montessori, etc.

Use the Search Engine of Amazon to get the specific keywords they suggest as Seed Keywords for your product.

Once you choose one keyword out of these suggested keywords, you can then compare your keywords as they are used by the competitors in the search results.

Analyze Competitor Listings

Examine product listings of your competitors in the same category. Identify keywords they are using in titles, bullet points, and descriptions. Pay attention to high-performing listings.

For example, Baby-related keywords are essential to be included (and repeated) on the entire listing for baby-related products.

Questions you can ask while doing Competitor Research:

  • Is there a common keyword denominator with similar and direct competitors for your product?
  • Is the common keyword denominator not only repeated in the title but also in bullet points and A+ Content?
  • Do they construct the title, bullets, and product description with keyword-rich copy?

Answering these questions helps lead you to the type of voice you wish to incorporate into your product copy and your branding.

Utilize Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools specific to Amazon, such as Helium 10, Jungle Scout, or AMZScout, help support and explore additional keyword opportunities. These tools provide insights into search volume, competitiveness, and related keywords.

Questions to ask while scouting for tools:

  • What is the most valuable software that you can utilize for your varied keyword extracting needs?
  • Does the software have online tutorials you can check out so you can decide better which one fits your preferences?

Expand Keyword List with Synonyms and Variations

Expand your keyword list by including synonyms, alternative spellings, and variations of your seed keywords. Consider different ways customers might search for your product.

Questions to ask:

  • Does your product come in different color or size variations?
  • Does the competitor include their variations only in the title for their copy?
  • Were you able to extract variation translations on your tool?

Optimize Product Listing, Monitor Performance and Iterate

Incorporate selected keywords strategically into your product title, bullet points, product description, and backend search terms. Ensure that the keywords flow naturally and provide valuable information to customers.

Regularly monitor the performance of your product listings using Amazon's analytics tools or third-party software. Track keyword rankings, conversion rates, and overall sales. Adjust your keyword strategy based on performance data.

Questions to ask yourself while optimizing the Listing Copy:

  • As a customer, what do you look at in each listing when purchasing items online?
  • Did you incorporate the seed keywords in the title and secondary in the bullet points and description?
  • Were you able to highlight the main features of your product in the bullet points, and at the same time use the keywords you got from the research?

By continually monitoring and following these steps, you can conduct effective keyword research for your Amazon product listings, improve visibility, and increase the chances of reaching your target audience.

By William Fikhman 13 May, 2024
Defend, Conquer, Convert: How Brand Protection Boosts PPC Campaigns In the bustling digital marketplace of Amazon, where every click carries the potential for profit, brand protection emerges as the unsung hero of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. While brand protection may not have the glitz of eye-catching ad copy or the allure of bold imagery, it quietly but significantly lays the groundwork for the success of PPC endeavors. Let's delve deep and uncover how brand protection can help PPC campaigns not only thrive but flourish in the competitive Amazon ecosystem. How Brand Protection Supercharges PPC Campaigns 1. Picture this: You've meticulously crafted your PPC campaign, optimized keywords, set a generous budget, and launched your campaigns. But to your frustration, an unauthorized reseller was winning the buy box and sales are going his way. Brand protection ensures you win the most coveted buy box position by kicking these unauthorized resellers out of your listings. 2. Brand protection plays a pivotal role in obtaining accurate and meaningful data from PPC metrics such as click-through and conversion rates. Without effective brand protection measures in place, PPC metrics can be skewed by fraudulent activities such as click fraud, misleading product listings, and counterfeit products masquerading as genuine. Brand protection ensures that the data obtained from PPC campaigns reflects real user interactions and genuine consumer behavior. 3. Brand protection helps you maximize your ROI and reduce wasted ad spend by ensuring that consumers are strategically funneled to your product listing. By placing a strong brand protection strategy, you can increase your return on ad spend and minimize hemorrhaging revenue. The Power of Protection In Amazon's ever-evolving marketplace, brand protection emerges as the linchpin of success for PPC campaigns. By safeguarding your brand's integrity, combating counterfeiters and unauthorized resellers, and optimizing buy box positioning, brand protection not only ensures the efficacy of your PPC endeavors but also lays the foundation for long-term success in the digital platform. In the competitive arena of online commerce, brand protection isn't just an option - it's a necessity. Strengthen your brand, safeguard your success, and watch your PPC campaigns thrive amidst the digital chaos. After all, in the world of Amazon, where every click counts, brand protection isn't just a tactic - it's your secret weapon.
By William Fikhman 01 Mar, 2024
Are you aiming to boost your products' visibility on Amazon's search results? Understanding the Amazon A9 algorithm is important for this. This algorithm plays a crucial role as the backbone of Amazon's search engine optimization (SEO) and chooses which products show up when customers search for specific queries. Essentially, what the Amazon A9 algorithm does is to match shoppers with the most relevant products to increase their chance of making a purchase. If your product doesn't align with what shoppers are looking for, you may struggle to attract sales. Therefore, getting to know how the A9 algorithm operates is important for optimizing your product listings and securing a high rank on Amazon's search results pages. What exactly is Amazon's A9 Algorithm? The Amazon A9 Algorithm is like the engine behind Amazon's search, checking which items on sale get the spotlight in the search results. This works similarly to other search engines by considering keywords, but it's more about which item is driving sales than just keyword stuffing. Here's the deal: Amazon wants products that not only show up in searches but also give the most power to customers to hit that "buy" button. That's why it prioritizes products with a track record of sales and conversions over those that are simply filled with keywords. Think of it as a cycle: products that sell well are pushed to the first page of the results, they rank higher, and then draws more attention and, you guessed it, more sales. It's a win-win loop that keeps boosting a product's visibility and sales organically. So, if you're serious about getting your product noticed and driving sales on Amazon, you've got to understand the code of the A9 Algorithm. Having an idea how it works and optimizing your listings accordingly is key to success. What does Keywords have to do with Amazon’s A9 Algorithm? Keywords are like guiding lights for your product in the vast world of Amazon. When someone searches for a specific item, Amazon's search engine sifts through tons of product listings to find the best match. That's where these keywords come in – they serve as road signs that tell the search engine that your product is a perfect fit for what the shopper wants. So, when you place relevant keywords throughout your product listing – in the title, bullet points, description, and back end keywords – you're basically giving Amazon's algorithm a big thumbs-up, saying, "Hey, my product is exactly what this shopper is looking for!"
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